Hey everyone.
I haven’t been blogging lately…in fact it’s been over a month, if you’ve been keeping track. I apologize for my sudden and unexplained absence! As some of you already know because we know each other either online or “in real life” (that phrase still makes me laugh, this is real too!), my grandfather passed away over Memorial Day weekend.
My grandfather truly is in a better place now. He had been suffering from cancer for a long time, which suddenly took a downward turn roughly a month ago. My grandparents’ home about 2 hours away from my house, but I spent a lot of my time the past few weeks visiting with him and my other family, as well as on the phone with my mom, who has been so strong and so centered during this whole time despite losing her father. We’re a small family, and we’re close. This is the first time I’ve lost a relative so close to me, and I’m still processing everything. My grandfather and I are alike in many ways, sharing the same interests, opinions, and talents. One of my earliest memories of time with my grandfather is drawing horses together when I was a very horse-obsessed little girl. He was a very talented artist, writer, and actor. He also wrote and directed many stage productions for his theater group that he founded, Seniors On Stage. He was a very proud, loving, and supportive presence in my life and I will miss him very much.
Understandably, I just haven’t really felt like blogging lately. However, even though I’m far from healing emotionally, I miss it. I miss my readers, and I miss blogging! This past weekend I attended Generation Beauty, the event organized by Michelle Phan and Ipsy. I found it really inspiring, and I plan to return to blogging in the next few days. To everyone I met at GB, you are amazing, great women. Thank you for being there and being so open to share your thoughts, feelings, and hearts. This weekend made me remember why I love what I do so much.
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