Wish of the Week: Maybelline Color Whispers


A new series of posts in which I blather on about something that has caught my eye… ;)

This week it’s Maybelline Color Whispers! These sheer, lightweight gel lipsticks are definitely on my mind right now! They seem to be everywhere I look – magazines, blogs, youtube, sheesh even twitter won’t shaddup about these babies.

Since I don’t own any and stealing pictures isĀ wrong, I thought I would just link you to some of the blogs where you can see these puppies in action and start lusting after them yourself if you haven’t already.

Cosmetically Challenged – beautiful swatches and pictures. You’ll want all of them…

Musings of a Muse – The color whispers are Muse approved!!! Check out her pics.

Beauty Junkies Unite makes the shade Cherry on Top look absolutely gorgeous.

One of my favorite blogger/vloggers that I have such a girl crush on, Emily Eddington, also is on team Color Whisper!

Basically the only reason I haven’t picked up a couple of these is I haven’t had a reason to be in the drugstore. But just you wait, I have a prescription that needs refilling. ;)


  1. Amber says

    Thank you for including me! xo

  2. Thank you so much for the kind words and the great blogger etiquette! I really appreciate you linking to my blog instead of taking pictures. I wish more people were like you!

  3. Yes. I’ve been seeing a lot of these products as well. Maybe it is the perfect time to get one now. I love the colors and how it shimmers on your lips. It looks really beautiful.

  4. Beautiful color, I like them all.
    It in my wish-list now.


  1. […] Maybelline Color Whispers! I lusted after these for I don’t even know how long. In fact, I did a blog post just about how much I wanted to try them! I read so many other blogs and watched so many videos about how much people loved them and I guess […]

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