Your Vote Counts

Okay. So. On the right hand side of the blog about half of the way down is a little blue button that says “Vote For Me”. If you click it I will give you a shiny candy. Okay not really, but if you do like the blog I would very much appreciate your votes. I promise not to bug about this often, too. It’s just a quick easy way of saying “yeah, I like this blog!” and makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Who doesn’t like warm fuzzies? Bonus: clicking the button will open it in a new tab/window and not disrupt your reading experience.

Also…feedback! I tinker around with the page layout very often because it’s still sorta new and I’m playing around with different arrangements of things. I would love your feedback. Do you like how things are arranged? Do you think it makes sense? Is there something on this site you think shouldn’t be? Or something that isn’t here that you wish I had? Email me or leave a comment with your suggestions. :)


  1. Chris Sentman says

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