Usually I wait longer before reviewing beauty products, especially skincare. So this is just kind of a “first impressions” type review. I haven’t been using this very long but I’m really liking it so far so I wanted to share it with you!
I was completely unfamiliar with Zensation until I was contacted by their PR to ask if I wanted to review this toner. I’m always interested in trying new brands, so of course I wanted to try it. By the way, click the link to their website at your own risk; I find their website highly annoying hahaha. It plays music and is all in Flash. Blarg. Whatever, I’m a web design snob. ;)
Anyway, they are a luxury skincare brand out of Switzerland. The line is based around plant and fruit extracts, and natural oils. They claim to be anti-aging and anti-stress. Here’s a long list of things you won’t find in Zensation products:
– Alcohol
– Colorant/Dyes
– Synthetic Fragrance
– Animal-Derived Ingredients
– Mineral Oils
– Parabens
In going with the ‘zen’ theme and being a luxury skincare brand, the Zensation packaging is honestly gorgeous. The toner I tried is in a heavy frosted glass bottle with a cute floral design: