Zensation Deep Purifying Toner First Impressions

Usually I wait longer before reviewing beauty products, especially skincare. So this is just kind of a “first impressions” type review. I haven’t been using this very long but I’m really liking it so far so I wanted to share it with you!

I was completely unfamiliar with Zensation until I was contacted by their PR to ask if I wanted to review this toner. I’m always interested in trying new brands, so of course I wanted to try it. By the way, click the link to their website at your own risk; I find their website highly annoying hahaha. It plays music and is all in Flash. Blarg. Whatever, I’m a web design snob. ;)

Anyway, they are a luxury skincare brand out of Switzerland. The line is based around plant and fruit extracts, and natural oils. They claim to be anti-aging and anti-stress. Here’s a long list of things you won’t find in Zensation products:

– Alcohol
– Colorant/Dyes
– Synthetic Fragrance
– Animal-Derived Ingredients
– Mineral Oils
– Parabens

In going with the ‘zen’ theme and being a luxury skincare brand, the Zensation packaging is honestly gorgeous. The toner I tried is in a heavy frosted glass bottle with a cute floral design:

It’s just girly enough to be called pretty without being twee. I just really like it. It looks nice sitting on the counter in the bathroom. Since my bathroom is also the house’s guest bathroom, that matters to me haha. This toner is pricey at $35/4.2 oz, so I want it to have really nice packaging that doesn’t make it look or feel cheap. 
Deep Purifying Toner is formulated for oily/combination/acne-prone skin. It contains essential oils of thyme, sage, lavender, and mint as well as tea tree oil. The result is a really calming and herbal aroma that I really like.  But aside from smelling nice, those ingredients are naturally antibacterial and anti-inflammatory, which will help soothe blemishes and redness in troubled skin. 
Even after using my clarisonic brush I can tell that this toner is getting my skin extra clean, because I can see residue on my cotton pad. It does leave a slightly sticky residue, but that sinks in and dries in a matter of minutes and then my skin is completely matte. I know the thought of putting all those oils on your skin might be scary, but I took a leap of faith and I am glad! Toner is usually a product I can just take or leave, but Zensation has done a great job of creating what they want to accomplish– a toner that cleans without stripping the skin, helps to balance combination skin, and soothes.
Available from www.zensationbeaute.com.


  1. Eileen says

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