The lovely Recessionista over at Nouveau Cheap inspired me to do a wishlist post! She posted about a few things she can’t wait to get her paws on, and I am doing the same. If any of you have these, please tell me what you think of them! And tell me what you’re wishing for, too!
1.) Right now I’m really wishing for Mango Mend because of the ringing endorsement from Dee of :) She says I need to try it and that it will help my dry heels and cuticles. Apparently a lot of people agree! This stuff gets very high praise on the Sally Beauty website.
2.) Recessionista inspires a lot of wishes with her reviews, and this is another one. It was from her that I first heard about One Bath & Body, a new line sold at Target. She posted about how we can get a free lip balm by filling out a survey on their site (you still can, by the way– check it out!), so I decided that would be a great way to try out the line. I received the lip balm in Honey Cream flavor, and it has quickly become a favorite. So, this wish is for another lip balm in the Coco-Coconut flavor! Then I’d have one for my purse. ;)
3.) The #3 wish is an expensive, pie-in-the-sky wish– YSL Parisienne. This fragrance is so divine. It’s kind of strange that I love it, because it’s very heavily rose-scented. I normally hate rose-scented anything. However, YSL’s take on rose keeps it light, airy, and this doesn’t really mean anything but…princessy. Just the kind of fragrance you would expect a little princess dressed in pink lace and ruffles to wear. It’s sweet and flowery without being heavy and cloying. I got a little sample vial in a Sephora order a while back and have been hoarding it until I can get my hands on the real deal.
4.) I’ve now heard from 2 or 3 gals that I need the Clinique Plum Seduction quad. Joey did a review of it over at Pink Sith recently and that just clinched it for me. I am pretty sure I need this quad in my life. Clinique isn’t really a brand that gets talked about much as far as makeup goes (at least in my experience), but I have a few palettes that are quite nice. Plum Seduction has been popping up at CCOs recently, so I can get a deal! Hooray.
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