Are You the Ultimate Makeup Junkie?

Oh hey Canada. This one’s for you. ;)

Annabelle Cosmetics is sponsoring the Ultimate Makeup Junkie contest. Are you obsessed with makeup? They want to hear about it. 30 (count ’em, 30!!!) winners will be chosen to receive a makeup case filled with $1,000 worth of Annabelle cosmetics. The case alone is worth $75. Pretty awesome prize, no?
By the way the entry form is in French even on the English version of the site, but even I can figure out what it’s asking and I haven’t taken a French class in years and have forgotten a ton of my vocab. ;)
If you enter, tell me all about it!


  1. Dionne says
  2. Halifax says
  3. Robyn @ Purely Cosmetics says
  4. GlossMenagerieDotCom says

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