Big MAC Attack

No, not the burger (although now that you mention it, a big mac does sound kind of tasty right now…hmm…), the makeup! MAC has produced its usual million and one holiday collections, and they aren’t done yet. I have found myself strangely unexcited for the barrage of beauty, though. Maybe I’m just not all the way cured of my cold yet. I suspect some of these shades are ones you like more in person? The promo images don’t seem to wow me. I do already have Pervette lipstick though, and it’s a pretty if not terribly exciting shade.

I bet a lot of you are happy to see the re-release of Ever So Rich cremesheen glass. That lipgloss caused quite a furor when Cremeteam was released (along with my beloved Lavender Whip lipstick). The gloss, though, let me tell you, is not worth clamoring for. Really. It’s a strict “nice to have” only, because it really doesn’t do anything for you unless you wear it over Lavender Whip, which is a color few gals can successfully pull off. Of the main color collection the only thing that really catches my eye at all is this cherry-pink lipstick, Utter Fun.

MAC’s holiday offerings also include a collection of mineralized eyeshadow duos. I always feel so torn about these darn things. They look really awesome. I love “baked goods” (baked cosmetics!) generally, but these tend to lack color payoff and be difficult to work with due to shimmer fallout. I haven’t tried out these particular ones yet, but I’m not jumping outta my chair to go do so. The 2 mineral blushes look pretty, although I worry they are colors I’ve already gotten from other MAC mineralize blushes. Superdupernatural is right up my proverbial alley, though, if I were to pick one.

So far, so “meh”. Maybe all I need is a good slap upside the head to remind me how much I love me some limited edition MAC, but to me this collection just doesn’t light my fire. However, I am definitely excited for the November collection Mischief Makers. That one has more things that catch my interest. 


  1. Joan says
  2. Catherine says
  3. Erin says
  4. Jardine says
  5. knownever says

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