Blabbing About Bags

I was browsing the mark. website (filling up carts is a pass time of mine… sigh, I know.) when I came across this bag:

Now, I’ve never been that into tassels and fringe really, but this bag just looks so cute to me for fall. And the color palette (more so the green) and industrial-looking hardware are so on trend with the military-inspired fashions we’re seeing everywhere these days. Cute, no? This bag is sort of on the big side. It’s 14″ long, 10″ high, and has an 8″ handle drop. So it’s decently sized for holding a wallet, makeup bag, etc. 
Speaking of makeup bags, I’ve been eying this little cutie on the mark. site ever since it came out (which was a while ago). I just have so many makeup bags that I haven’t really had a good excuse to buy it, haha. But just look at how adorable it is!
Another reason why I haven’t purchased it too is I haven’t even been carrying a makeup bag recently. I know that must shock you. Don’t most beauty bloggers seem to have a small Sephora’s worth of makeup on their person at all times? I recently sidelined my big Coach tote in favor of a tiny little bag from Forever 21, and I’m kind of loving the freedom of having a tiny purse again. Does that sound weird? I’m sure I’ll go back to the Coach bag (after I give the leather a good cleaning!) and I’m sure I’ll carry larger bags again in the future, but for now my shoulders are loving the break! When I say this purse is tiny, I mean TINY. Here’s a comprehensive list of everything in my purse when I go out:
– wallet (granted, it’s a big wallet)
– phone (it’s an iphone so it’s quite flat!)
– lip balm (Softlips Pure in Chai!)
– lip gloss or lipstick I happen to be wearing that day (right now Viva Glam Cyndi lipglass is in there)
– keys
– key & lock for the lockers at the gym
– occasionally headphones (crammed in there), also for the gym (I use my phone as an ipod)
That’s it. And it feels great. However, that tasseled bag is really calling to me. Do you guys think I will cave? :)
Where do you stand on the purse spectrum? Little bag? Big bag? What’s in your bag?

Both the Tasseltastic bag and the zebra print makeup bag can be purchased at my mark. e-boutique.


  1. Caitlin says
  2. aquaheart says

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