First off, if you’re new…a CCO is internet shorthand for the Cosmetics Company Store (that’s the official name, but we call it the “cosmetics company outlet” aka CCO). This store is an Estee Lauder-owned outlet that sells cosmetics from any of the EL family of brands at a flat 30% off discount. If you don’t know where your nearest CCO is, try searching on But remember, you’re looking for Cosmetics Company Store.
My nearest CCO is a tiny corner of my local Saks Off 5th. Selection historically has been lousy, but yesterday there was a ton of stuff. Here is what I saw there…
MAC Items
Many items from the Style Warriors collection! I saw On A Mission blush, 2 lip glass – Fierce ‘n Fabulous and Liberated, lipsticks in Purple Rite and Tribalist, eye shadows in Tempting and Vibrant Grape.
I was surprised to see some pretty long-discontinued items still hanging out at the CCO, but mine had “Squeeze It” lipglass from the Fafi collection as well as “Soft & Slow” lipglass from Neo Sci-Fi! Mine also had a bunch of items from the Naked Honey collection including the fragrance, body wash, salve, and both highlight/bronzer powders. Most of the Dame Edna collection was available– both eye shadow trios, all 3 lipglasses, and both highlight powders.
LOADS of stuff from Holiday ’09 including: the smoky shadow palette, the warm pigments set, 2 different mini gloss sets, one of the face box palettes (I think it was Fab-Racadabra). There were also both of those little look kits that had a few different items in a makeup bag. There were also those kits that had MSFs in them and a mini brush. I don’t remember what they were called but I think ACW had them on sale for a gazillion dollars.
They also had a ton of Nordstrom-exclusive items such as the Colorforms palettes (gosh these just won’t go away they have been hanging around the CCO for what seems like ever!), and both Graphic Garden lip bags.
There were several mineralized blushes in Improvise, Hand Finish, and Daft Pink as well as Enough Said and On A Mission powder blushes. I also saw several loose powder products that could have been Beauty Powder loose or maybe something else like Sheersheen powders. I didn’t check out the names.
Eye Shadows: Tempting (Style Warriors pkg), Soft Flower, Pen ‘n Pink, Smoke ‘n Diamonds, Meet The Fleet, Vibrant Grape (Style Warriors pkg). There was also one lone Mineralized eye shadow in Family Silver. I am not into the Metal-X creme eyeshadows but they had 3 in blue, green, and pink. I do not recall their exact names. As far as pigments go they had 3: Mutiny (A Rose Romance), Spiritualize, and Circa Plum. There were 2 eye shadow quads: In The Gallery and Tone: Grey.
Dazzleglass, Dazzleglass Creme, etc.– She-Zam (holiday ’09), Euro Beat, Internationalist, Perfectly Unordinary (didn’t this just come out?), Do It Up, a few others whose names aren’t coming to me.
Virgin Isle Cream Color Base
Sugar Sweet collection shadesticks in Cakeshop, Lemon Chiffon, Penny.
There was a large selection of lip products from various collections. I saw many Mattene and Slimshine lipsticks. Mattenes I know I saw were Rapturous, Chockfull, and Night Violet. Slimshines I know I saw were Rockout and By Degrees. There were some others that I did not recognize/remember to check. My guess is there was also Assertive, Think Tan, and Mousse slimshine on display.
I saw ALL of the Tri-Color glosses that came out last year, as well as all three See-Thru Lip Colors (lip stains), several Pro-Longwears and a couple of Lip Lacquers as well. There was one lone Lip Gelee in Lil Sizzler.
Lipglasses I remember seeing were Rich ‘n Ripe (Cult of Cherry?), Red Devil (Blonde Brunette Redhead), Foolishly Fab plushglass, Ensign lustreglass, Fierce ‘n Fabulous (Style Warriors), Liberated (Style Warriors), Squeeze It (Fafi), Hot Frost (Dame Edna), Splendid (Dame Edna), and Possum Nose Pink (Dame Edna).
Lipsticks that I remember: a lot of brownish colored lipsticks, and some others like Way To Love (A Rose Romance), Fresh Brew, Crazee and Blow Dry.
MSFs: Porcelain Pink, Cheeky Bronze, Sunny by Nature
Beauty Powder Blushes from A Rose Romance: Summer Rose, Blush of Youth
Tendertones: Deep Sigh, Pucker, the green one (can’t recall the name)
Skin Care/Treatments: Cremewash, Microfine Refinisher, Microfine Lip Refinisher, Fast Response Eye Cream, tinted lip conditioners in Strobe Rays, Strobe Beam, and a pinky one from the same collection.
There were a couple of MSFNs with the shimmer, but none were in shades light enough for me so I didn’t pay too much attention. There were also a couple of nail polishes that I didn’t really look at because I’m not too crazy about MAC polishes, but there was a brownish color and a whiteish pearl color.
At the register they had a bowl with a couple different pairs of lashes in it (they usually have this), and another bowl with lip palettes in it. There was the Red She Said Viva Glam lip palette as well as the Miracles Happen Viva Glam lip palette from holiday ’09. There was one other Holiday ’09 lip palette that I did not recognize. They also had a couple of cups of brushes behind the counter but I did not check to see which ones they were.
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