It seems to me that some bloggers, youtubers, and even beauty pros will talk about their “problem areas” but we never see them. We see the perfectly made up version and sometimes it’s hard to imagine how they get from point A to point Fabulous. So when I got the idea to tell you my current skin care routine, I thought you might like to see my point A, too. So okay, here’s what I’m working with. Pics can be enlarged if you dare.
Those spots on my chin are all scars. I love being pale, but I do not love how every single tiny bit of imperfection shows up so easily, and scars take FOREVER to fade. If anyone knows of something to help me out with that, I am definitely open to recommendations.
When spring sprang and everything started blooming and blowing around, I officially entered skin and allergy hell. I don’t usually have ANY dark circles but I do now from allergies, and my eye area in general looks very fatigued. And my skin? It’s the freakin’ Sahara. I used to be oily. Now I have dry skin. Super. Oh and this is actually the improved version. It’s been getting better lately.
Here’s what I’ve been doing…
Caudalie foaming cleanser w/ Clarisonic OR Ponds Wipe OR Philosophy Microdelivery Wash (only a few times a week)
Morning – The Body Shop Vitamin E Cream
Night – The Body Shop Vitamin E Night Cream and/or Vitamin E Cream Intense (I have some super dry patches that need the extra help, like my nose which is still raw from blowing my nose every five minutes)
Youthful Essentials Revitalizing Facial Toner – as needed. It’s a spray. Very refreshing.
mark. Mist Opportunity refreshing spray – also as needed, whichever I have on hand.
Morning – Garnier Anti Dark Circle Rollerball (I just picked this up today to integrate into my routine)
Morning – Garnier Anti Dark Circle Rollerball (I just picked this up today to integrate into my routine)
Night – Vasanti Eye Wonder eye cream