Don’t Buy In To The Hype – Armani Face Fabric

During my journey to South “Cost” Plaza today I wandered in to Bloomingdale’s. We were there to check out the Clinique bonus (lame, btw) but I spied a Giorgio Armani counter and went to go see what all the fuss is about with Face Fabric foundation.

What a disappointment!!! This stuff is all the rage on MakeUpAlley so I really wanted to give it a shot. The only good thing I can say about it is that the texture is lovely. It’s very siliconey; the foundation feels just like MAC Prep + Prime foundation primer. But then I put it on my face and it literally disappeared. Gone. And I don’t mean the color was such a great match that it disappeared into my skin. I mean it literally was absorbed and went away without covering a damn thing. There was absolutely no visible difference between the side of my face with the foundation and the side without. Why would you pay over $40 for an invisible foundation, people?! I like to call it The Emperor’s New Foundation. You pay out the nose, but you’re still just NAKED!

FAIL Armani. Epic fail.


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