Hot Bargain! – ELF Nail Polish Remover Pads

I just tried out these nail polish remover pads from ELF and I gotta say…new and improved formula indeed! One pad was enough to remove my entire manicure, and these are citrus scented! While it’s not exactly on the level of a Bath & Body Works scent (closer to Orange Glo), it’s a HECK of a lot better than your usual nail polish remover smell that reeks to high heavens. When you buy them you get a pack of 18 for $1.00! Check it out next time you’re browsing ELF‘s site.

Right now all ELF is BOGO 1/2 off when you use the code EGSPRAP at checkout. Check it out today!


  1. Tanya says
  2. jojoba says
  3. gel says

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