MAC Cult of Cherry

I went to the mall today to do my Sephora birthday shopping and to redeem some empties for Back 2 MAC. I went to MAC with an interest in So Scarlet and Lightly Ripe lipsticks from the new Cult of Cherry collection. I ended up getting neither, but I grabbed Jampacked lipglass. It is SO gorgeous. It looks scary dark purple in the tube but comes out a sheer purpley plum. I think it will look really nice over my HiP jellybalm in Luscious which is a sheerer version of the same color on my lips. I wear balm under everything so it works out nicely.

Anyway, rather than get Lightly Ripe I grabbed Hot Tahiti, which in my opinion is a very comparable color but with more pigment! Hot Tahiti is a non-intense pinkened red. It’s good for red-phobes like myself. However, it SHOWS UP. Lightly Ripe is pretty but it should be called Lightly Pigmented. It’s so sheer. My pigmented lips wouldn’t get much color out of it at all.

I give the quads of Cult of Cherry 1 out of 3. Spiced Chocolates looked WAY too warm for me (I’m NW10 by MAC’s foundation standards), Tempting has that not-so-tempting Sharp shade. Even my mom was like “oookay who looks good in that color?” Bright neon yellow green. Ew. The winner of the quads is Shadowy Lady. That one is verrrry pretty. I’m still debating on if I NEED it, but it is lovely. :) If I decide I need it, I will go get it from Macy’s or Nordstrom because I have birthday gift cards!

So Scarlet l/s and Cult of Cherry l/g were PINK on me. Bright pink. Not even close to red. They were friggin fuschia. Yay cool undertones, lol. Cherry Blossom l/g looks gorgeous in the tube but is basically completely clear on me, and the 4th l/g they had out (forgetting the name) had too much brown in it for me to bother trying out; I knew it wouldn’t work.

I am lame and didn’t try the mattenes because I’m not wild about the formula. :P


  1. Elvira says

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