MAC Tres Cheek Collection

The MAC Tres Cheek collection (super cute name by the way!) is a simple launch. It’s just 6 limited edition (duh) blushes. Nothing more. And I LIKE that. No gimmicks or bullshit, just some PRETTY BLUSHES! :)
The collection launches next week officially, but it’s already up for MAC Pro members to purchase, so if you’re fortunate enough to live near a pro store you might want to call and see if they have it in.
The colors are (starting at top left)…
Pink Tea – Pink-beige.
Immortal Flower – Bright peach.
Full of Joy – Lavender.
Lovecloud – Bright mid-tone pink.
Modern Mandarin – Red orange.
Peony Petal – Bright blue pink.
All of these are satins except Full of Joy, which is a frost. I’ve been told Lovecloud actually leans a little peachy. Darker skintones will probably want to avoid Pink Tea and Full of Joy as they will possibly read as a bit ashy on darker skin. Please, please, please checkĀ  out Modern Mandarin if you have dark skin. Orange blush can look amazing on anyone but it’s especially stunning on darker complexions. They will be online and at MAC stores/counters, and retail for $20 each.
Yes, I already placed an order… O:) I snatched up Modern Mandarin, Immortal Flower, and Full of Joy. I was tempted to grab Lovecloud and Pink Tea, but I was trying to be good because there’s so many great things coming out from MAC in the near future. I thought the three I picked would be the most unique to my stash. Peony Petal doesn’t speak to me because I prefer softer pinks since I’m so pale, and also being so so so cool-toned I actually like to wear more neutral blushes or even warm pinks. Whatevs. Personal preference.
I’m pretty sure these blushes are all going to fly off the shelves. Will you be purchasing anything from the Tres Cheek collection?

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