Makeup Set-Up & Storage

I’m not going to preface this post with a “this is not bragging” disclaimer. Because the true junkies know that this is like our version of porn, not bragging. We love looking at stashes!! In fact, I invite any of you who also have stash pics to link me to them so I can go see! :)

All pictures can be clicked to view full size.

Here’s my basic vanity set-up. This is right after I cleaned up. It hardly ever looks this neat, lol. Unfortunately it’s right next to the litterbox, which is why I have a can of Oust spray on there haha. Stinky kitties. ;) The vanity is a refurbished desk I got from a Craigslist ad. I’m still kind of moving into it, so not all the drawers have stuff in them yet. The middle drawer is face/cheek stuff. Top left drawer is palettes. Top right (and the one below it) are lipstuff. There’s a big double-size drawer on the left that has all my hair crap like dryers/flat irons etc.
Those drawer thingies came from Target. They usually only have white, but around back-to-school time (like now??) they have different colors. I’ve seen purple, and the next time I see a purple one I’m going to bring it home. They’re not expensive, which is great. The rack holding my MAC palettes is a DVD rack I got from The Container Store. It fits MAC palettes perfectly. So cool. Underneath the MAC palettes you can see moisturizer, sunscreen, and some primers. Up top are some larger palettes (Urban Decay, Mehron, 88 palettes). The clear palettes are from Face Atelier– I love those palettes. They don’t fit in the DVD rack though because they’re ever so slightly smaller than MAC palettes. The white thingy holding the palettes came from The Container Store. I’ll show you what’s in some of the drawers (I skipped a couple that are kinda boring).
This drawer just has some odds and ends that I’m either testing out for an upcoming review, just got and want to play with, or things I reach for frequently.
Cream & gel blushes! There’s Stila Convertible Colors, NYC blush creme sticks, a MAC Cremeblend, some Mehron cheek cremes, and more.
Ahh the precious. My special packaging MAC lipsticks. As much as I love a lot of other brands, I’m definitely a MAC girl. I do collect these, but if I have a color I don’t use I do swap or sell it– I’m not cuckoo. :) MAC lipsticks are probably the thing I have the most of out of all my stash. Just giving you fair warning. I’m obsessed.
Various low-end palettes. I’ll be honest, these don’t get a ton of use right now. I go through phases with my makeup. I’ll be ALL ABOUT mark. or Maybelline for a while and then go into a MAC phase, then UD, or whatever. I actually use these a lot when I do makeup on other people because they like when I tell them if they love something they can go buy it for like $5. 
Mineral pretties! All of my Purely Cosmetics stuff. Well, actually I have a few back-ups of things like foundation, etc. The Diamond Perfect Finish and Oil Absorb powder are items I reach for every single time I do makeup. Period.
Random eye stuff. The stuff in this drawer gets used a lot. You can see Daddy UDPP (XL) and Baby UDPP (mini)! Also have stuff like my mascaras, NYX Jumbo Eye Pencils, my 3 most-used Mad Minerals creme shadows, brow powder, lash curler, etc. The little black zippered pouch holds some of my favorite pencil liners. What’s in there? MAC Undercurrent, Urban Decay Rockstar, MAC Feline, Urban Decay Underground, and a couple Prestige Total Intensity liners, to name a few.
In addition to being a fiend for MAC lipsticks, I also have a huge collection of MSFs. The tray they’re in is a cutlery drawer organizer from The Container Store. The basket on the right is blushes. There’s some random foundations in the back too. Front is foundation, tinted moisturizer, concealers, bronzer, contour powder. I have been toying with the idea of thinning out my MSF collection. If I do, I’ll be selling them on the blog. 
Okay, I told you I’m a MAC lipstick freak. The holders they are in are from Cabela’s. They’re shotgun shell boxes with the tops cut off. They were $3 each and are the best solution I’ve found for lipsticks. I still have the tops to the boxes since I just cut the plastic hinge. I can put the tops back on and tape them for moving. Oh and *yay* Stila lipglaze sticks! I think I have every one of them. Such an underrated product.
And lip drawer #2! I’m also thinking of letting go of some of those tendertones/jellybalms. They’re nice but they don’t see the light of day too often. I love how they smell and feel though.
And finally, the palette drawer. UD, Clinique, The Balm, NARS, TooFaced, Laura Mercier, Bobbi Brown, and LORAC. There’s also my faithful Smashbox Bright Eyes Quad (LOVE that!!!). 
That concludes what I have to share. There’s a bunch of stuff not pictured (like all of my lip glosses?), but I don’t want to show stuff that isn’t tidy/organized. ;) If you have any questions I’ll try to answer them best I can! And if you want to see a review or overview of anything you see here, that’d be fun too! Let me know!
I hope this gives you some organizational ideas, or at least some drool-worthy stuff to look at haha. Like I said above, if you have stash pics, link me! Or if you don’t have a blog, feel free to email me your stash pics. Maybe yours will be featured here on the blog! *wink*


  1. KittenMittons says
  2. eva says
  3. MakeupmandiTX says
  4. Kelly Gould says
  5. CosmeticConvulsion says
  6. CosmeticConvulsion says
  7. CosmeticConvulsion says
  8. Principessa Grassa says
  9. Rica says

    Seriously!!! Your lipstick stash!! I want them girlie! LOL! Eye spy a manish arora lippie on your lip stash! haha! want them so much! <3

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