Oh My Lovelies…

I am sorry that the blog posts have been a little slow lately. Things are happenin’ here at the Gloss Cave. (Imagine the Bat Cave but with a lot more pink..?) A lot of you who know me personally are already aware that I’m in the midst of a job change. This coming week is my last week at the job I’ve had for the last 3 years! It’s definitely a positive change though. I’ll get to do things that are a lot more personally interesting to me while staying in the marketing industry I love!

I’ve had a lot of distractions and things on my mind that have prevented me from posting as often as I’d like. I’m also pet sitting for my dad’s menagerie of his own– 3 fish, 2 cats, and a very elderly little dog. If any of you blog readers know a thing or 2 about care of geriatric canines, pleeeease get in touch with me.
Anyways, all excuses aside, I will get back to posting more often as soon as I can. In the meantime, does anyone have any review requests, suggestions, etc? :) I’ll do my best to answer all of your posts!


  1. Bekera09 says

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