Physicians Formula Mineral Glow Pearl Blush

I got very excited when I saw these guys online. I could not wait to review them for you! Check out the gorgeousness:

As my mom so eloquently put it “that looks neat. it has bumps!” hahaha… <3 you mom.

Online it seemed to have a big white pearl in the middle. Unfortunately, the pearl is actually on the packaging, not the blush itself. Observe:
There is also a compartment under the blush pan that comes with a little brush and has a nice good sized mirror. The little brush actually isn’t completely scratchy and useless, but I would still much rather use my own.
If you have a keen eye and want to know what is on my nails, it’s Zoya Ivanka.
For those of you who like MAC’s mineralized blushes or mineralized skin finishes, you should definitely check these out! The finish is very similar. This color, which is called Natural Pearl, is a warm rosy pink with a gold sheen. Similar actually in color to MAC Stereo Rose. If you like Stereo Rose you will probably like this. I’m not saying it’s a dupe, because I haven’t swatched them side by side, but it’s “of that ilk”. 
Heavily swatched on skin that is lighter than NW15 (I wear MUFE 110).

Slightly better view of the golden sheen.

If you like rosy colors and don’t mind a bit of shimmer, check out Physicians Formula Mineral Glow Pearl Blush (is that name long enough for you?) in Natural Pearl. It’s available at drugstores where PF is sold, and I believe they are approximately $10 each.


  1. Claudia says
  2. Phyrra says

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