Pink Shoes Make Me Happy

Today, my dear Phyrra posted about purple shoes on her blog, and it made me SO happy! I can’t even really put my finger on why. But I love purple shoes. And so here’s my inspired post…about pink shoes! Take a lookie!



Pink Shoes



  1. Love the bright pink :) So pretty!

  2. JoJo Beauty-Guide says

    The Pointy flat is so pretty!

  3. Alyson Hoffpauir says

    we have neon bubblegum suede-esque flats at H&M.  they also come in chartreuse and blue-violet.  (oh, and black–but with those colors, who cares!)

  4. Joey says

    I really love the Kenneth Cole one. It looks a pretty fit for my dress. :)

  5. H&M has neon bubblegum suede-style flats. They are also available in chartreuse and blue-violet colours. (oh, and black–but who cares with those colours!)

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