Renee Rouleau Anti-Cyst Treatment

I first learned about Renee Rouleau through the magic of Twitter. She can be found there as @ReneeRouleau. She gives absolutely fantastic skin care advice, and I’d been curious about her products for a long time. I actually picked up this little gem months and months ago, but I for some reason hadn’t gotten around to really reviewing it until now. There aren’t too many treatments out there specifically formulated for cystic acne. I’d tried one by Mario Badescu but it was not effective for me. Enter Renee Rouleau Anti-Cyst Treatment.
Cystic acne. It’s horrible. Deep, painful cystic breakouts under the skin. They can be very inflamed, very large, unsightly, and uncomfortable! Not to mention the inflammation can cause lots of scarring. They often take a very long time to go away, too. For more info about cystic acne, check out this blog post from Renee herself. For many, including myself, cystic acne often occurs during or the week before a period, when our hormones go all wacky. As if being totally hormonal didn’t cause enough problems…sigh. 

Not too long ago I posted about how my skin had been healing pretty well lately, not breaking out, and the marks fading due to adding a ton of vitamin E to my regimen. Well, I think I jinxed myself, because about a day after that post went live I felt that feeling that is oh so familiar to anyone who has had a cystic type break out. The sort of sore, tender feeling of “oh sh*t, not again” when a cyst is forming in your skin. The Anti-Cyst Treatment works best when you can apply it as soon as this feeling occurs, so that is exactly what I did. And then I applied it 2x a day to the spot for a few days after, and I’m applying it just once before bed now.
This stuff is a freakin’ miracle, I tell ya. The next morning, all soreness was gone and the bump was still invisible (I could feel it if I prodded my chin, and it was about half the size it was the day before). Now, it’s just barely a smudge on my chin. It never turned into the big painful monster it had the potential to be. It’s almost gone. The best part is this all happened without drying out my skin or causing any irritation whatsoever. Hormonal Breakouts: 0 Me: 1
The treatment works by killing the bacteria and unblocking the pores, and also reducing inflammation. I have used other things on cystic acne that contain benzoyl peroxide, and while they have also been effective for me, they are often smelly, very drying, and have the potential to bleach your pillow case. It’s also not a very good idea to use benzoyl peroxide long-term because of the drying effects. I also read somewhere that it can thin your skin if used over time. No thanks. 
The only downsides to this product are the price, and availability. You can only get this from Renee’s website, or from one of her spas (locations in Dallas and Plano TX). The price is steep at $38.50 for .5 oz, but frankly if you have a cystic break out it’s worth every damn penny and then some.


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