Review – Avon Mirror Shine Spray

Today I’m going to talk about a hair product for once! I have just tried out Avon Mirror Shine Spray. It advertises “93% more shine”. A 3.4 oz bottle is only $5 so I thought sure, why not.

I really like this product. I did what the directions say…I washed and dried my hair like normal, then held the bottle 8 to 10 inches away from my hair and sprayed it lightly throughout. I combed it through, and voila! Shiny hair. My hair is kind of deceiving. I have tons of it, so sometimes people think I have thick hair. On the contrary, I just have a whole lot of fine hair. So products tend to weigh it down and make it look greasy. Ew. Not good. However, I don’t notice any of that with this shine spray at all. Just sleek, glossy hair.

The only thing I don’t like about the product is the smell. It smells very…generic hair product-like. Which is kinda gross and chemically. I guess I’m kinda spoiled because I use Biolage and their products all smell amazing. I also think even my hair spray (bumble & bumble) smells good. This stuff…doesn’t.

However, a little body spray spritzed and wafted onto my hair solves that problem. ;) I will definitely continue to use this, as it’s a lot cheaper than my other fave gloss product– Fekkai Glossing Creme. A little of either product goes a long way, but this costs half as much as the Fekkai travel size tube of glossing creme, and I don’t get my hands greasy with the spray.


  1. Product for Hair Loss says

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