My heels looked like mutant feet-gone-hooves before I got this thingy today. It’s like my feet have found jesus. I was a little leery of using what looks to be a tiny cheese grater on my poor cracked dry hoofies, but drastically ugly feet call for drastic cheese graters. My feet have risen from the ashes, become beautiful butterflies, swans, whatever metaphor you want to use for something that used to be dead and ugly and is now beautiful and soft! After going over them with the grater thing for a while each, and then passing over them with the emery pad, I applied Bliss body butter. That’s when I heard the chorus of heavenly angels. So that is what my feet look like! I had forgotten. Never again will I have ugly, ashen feet!! Amen!
The Ped Egg retails for $9.99, and comes with 2 emery pads. Replacement grater thingies and emery pads can be purchased at :) I got my Ped Egg from Linens N Things, but they apparently also carry them at drugstores like Walgreens. Everyone with dry cracked heels needs one of these. If I were Oprah giving away free stuff, I would give one to ALL of you.