Review – Rimmel Sexy Curves Mascara

Sexy Curves mascara is my first time delving into the world of Rimmel. There are just so many choices for mascara at the drugstore! But I really like this. I actually received it in a swap as an extra and didn’t think that much of it other than “oh, that’s cool”. But now that I’ve tried it…hmm!

The first time I applied it, I was not terribly impressed. It didn’t seem to do that much. My lashes are fairly long and thick naturally with natural curl. Rimmel Sexy Curves mascara is a volumizing and curling mascara. I put it on and I could see it, but it didn’t wow me.

I decided to give it another shot though and this time I took the time to work with it a bit more. I wiggled the brush around, coated both sides of my lashes, etc. If you actually push the brush against the underside of your lashes and lift them (into a curled position) as you apply, it gives remarkable lift that does hold for a long time. It’s a nice effect.

Like most volumizing mascaras, it does clump a teeny bit. I notice it more in areas where I have a bunch of lashes really close together. It’s not a huge deal though and I can demolish the clumps by just wiggling the brush a little.

I do not have any issues with the mascara as far as smudging goes. After applying mascara I blink my eyes with my lashes up against either a tissue or a finger to get the excess product off my eye. I find if I don’t do this I will end up with flakes. It doesn’t take anything away from the look of the mascara to wipe a bit off, either.

The brush. It’s curved. Hmm. I don’t really know how much that really does for my lashes really, but it looks cool, and seems to be a pretty good brush compared to other more traditional mascara brushes. The wand itself is sorta bendy, but not nearly as flexible as say Maybelline Define-a-Lash. I like the bend in the brush, but your opinion may be different of flexy mascara wands. I find it helpful when the wand has a little give to it.

Overall I’m doing well with this mascara. One thing though is if you do happen to cry, this is one of those mascaras that turns into a hot mess. Some non-waterproof mascaras still hold up sort of well (like Maybelline XXL Lash Extensions or Define-A-Lash) but this one will be all over your face. Not a mascara you’ll want to wear while watching Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants with your girlfriends.

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