The lovely Recessionista over at Nouveau Cheap inspired me to do these ‘update reviews’. In other words, taking a look at some of my past reviews to see if I still feel the same way. I decided to go back to this time last year and see what I was loving/hating in March 2009 and see if I feel the same way. :) If you like these kinds of reviews, let me know! Comment below. :)
Last year I introduced you to DERMAdoctor Ain’t Misbehavin Acne Spot Treatment. I was very pleased with it. I am happy to report that ‘Missy’ and I are still in a love-love relationship, haha. I love this spot treatment. Not only does it contain 5% benzoyl peroxide to help heal the ugliess, it has calming herbal ingredients to soothe the skin which helps the inflammation that goes along with acne. Did you know that the inflammation is what causes the majority of acne scars (other than the pitted ones)? This helps with that, so I’m happy with it. Oh, and I still have the same tube from last year too. I only use a tiny bit at a time, so I still have about half the tube left. Not a bad deal since this product may seem a little pricey at $36. But if it lasts a year, that makes it a little easier on the ole’ wallet.
Last year I was pretty stoked on ELF’s nail polish remover pads. They had improved the formula and I really liked the improvements that had been made, including to the fragrance of the remover. I still think they’re a good value at $1, but these do not last very long and dry out quickly. I would probably still recommend them, but keep that in mind. I wouldn’t stock up on too many packs at a time because by the time you use one up, your extras might not be moist anymore.
I am also pleased to report that I still like Rimmel Sexy Curves mascara. I have even repurchased it since last year’s review, and that is saying a lot since I have a lot of mascaras. In fact, re-reading my review makes me think I should get rid of some of the others I have and just stick to Rimmel!
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