Revlon Grow Luscious Mascara Review

This review has been a long time coming. I’ve been using this mascara since mid to late June! At least you know I’m being thorough. ;) If you saw my stash pics, you probably saw this baby peeking out at you:

The packaging is a shiny green-teal tube. I like it. It’s not a big huge honkin thing that takes up tons of room.

Revlon Grow Luscious has a big huge fat brush. I love it. It tapers at the end to help get every lash. However, if you don’t like big mascara brushes or find them cumbersome to use, you will not like Revlon Grow Luscious!
The claims of this mascara are longer, lusher lashes. They also claim it will enhance the condition of your lashes overall, “improving their appearance with each use”. It is important to note that they aren’t claiming this mascara will make your lashes actually grow. But conditioning your lashes will enable them to grow longer before they fall out due to your natural lash cycle. Kinda splitting hairs, but it’s good to know before you try it. With that in mind, I do think this lives up to its claims. My lashes do look overall fuller, much less sparse, and I have fewer fall out when I remove my eye makeup. 
On my lashes it makes them look full, soft, and fluttery. It’s not a hugely dramatic look, but then again I don’t layer tons of coats on either. It is pretty layerable without clumping, so if you do like multiple coats, this mascara will serve you well. It also looks nice on lower lashes. It’s not too wet and gloppy! I really like the effect on me, and if I didn’t have piles of other mascaras to try right now, I would probably repurchase. Also worth noting is that I’ve been using it just under 3 months and the tube has not at all begun to get dry or clumpy. 
Here’s one coat on my lashes:
Revlon Grow Luscious comes in 4 shades: Black, Blackest Black, Black Shimmer, and Blackened Brown. I tried Blackest Black. There is also a waterproof formula that comes in Blackest Black and Blackened Brown only. The price range varies from store to store, as is usually the nature of drugstore products. Typically it’s around $8, and available at pretty much any drugstore.
Have you tried Revlon Grow Luscious? If you haven’t, do you plan on trying it? Let me know!


  1. Maureen Sytsma says

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