If you are one of the many who received an email from Sephora stating that the Shu Uemura hard brow pencils were being discontinued, DON’T freak out. Sephora is fudging that MORE than a little!
The true story is Sephora is no longer carrying them. They are not discontinued! I was freaked out by the news from Sephora because when I checked the Shu website my beloved Seal Brown pencil was out of stock there as well. But that’s just because honestly their website tends to have major stocking issues. And other issues (like nonresponsive customer service…eeek).
Good news? The freestanding Shu Uemura store in Costa Mesa, CA will ship to you if you need it. Their number is 714-957-0521. Debra (hope I’m spelling that right), is a sweetheart and will take care of you!