Slacking Off Again

Sorry for slacking guys!

I’ve been very busy with all sorts of personal and professional stuff, and I just started another job as a teacher’s assistant (gotta do what you can to get yours in this economy!), so I’ve been insanely busy. BUT, I promise there are some fun goodies coming up soon, including a feature all about nude lipsticks. Anything involving nudity on the internet is bound to be good, right?…

LIPSTICKS, guys, I’m talking about lipsticks. Seriously.

And maybe some mascara pictures so you all can see what I’m talking about when I say that MaxFactor 2000 Calorie Extreme Lash Plumper *freaking rocks*. ;)

Not that I don’t want you guys to read my blog each and every single day, but you all should check out Sasquatch Swatch, too. It inspires me to BUY things though, so be careful.

I have all sorts of stuff going on, so stay tuned. :) I’m also working on the new site, which is proving to be a lot more difficult than I thought! But it’s coming, so thanks for your patience. If you want to see what it looks like now (but this is not what the new site will look like really much at all…) see

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