Sneak Peek: China Glaze Hologlam Collection

Who loves some holographic glitter? Uh, just about everyone. Using the same sparkly wonder-technology of the beloved China Glaze OMG collection, they’ve developed Hologlam for 2013. They were nice enough to let me take some pictures. Sooo…how excited are you?! Sorry the pictures are so huge, but they’re so sparkly I wanted to make sure you could see the beauty!

GORGEOUS!!!!! I want them all. But Galactic Gray is my favorite I think. Soooo pretty. I’m very excited for these!!! Too bad we have to wait ’til next year!


  1. Can’t wait for this line! Not going to miss it like I missed OMG. Since I wasn’t a polish fiend at that time :(

  2. yesssss! i don’t know why collections don’t keep permanent holograms, it’s my fave finish

  3. Sparkle Core says

    I am so into Holograms! I love that effect. <3 

  4. Kelsey says

    Uh, I will be buying EVERY ONE OF THESE.

  5. Did they say when they’d be releasing this in 2013? Spring, Summer…anything?

    Galactic Gray does look gorgeous! Same with Strap on your Moonboots and When Stars Collide.

  6. I’m glad that your photos are huge. Love them all!! Thank you for the post! 

  7. Natalia Bruce says


  8. Guest says

    I am so HAPPY I love Holographic nail polish and china glaze and I was upset I missed the last Holographic collection the OMG one but now I get to get this one I even can get the whole set. I have the patience to wait till this comes out because one bottle from the OMG collection costs $40-$50 I am not spending that type of money on one bottle. However I would spend that money on two or three. THANK YOU for informing us on the release of this new collection. I might just keep it a secret till I get my own so I get the first stab at them. I am probably gonna get the whole set since I LOVE THEM ALL!

  9. I am so HAPPY I love Holographic nail polish and china glaze and I was upset I missed the last Holographic collection the OMG one but now I get to get this one I even can get the whole set. I have the patience to wait till this comes out because one bottle from the OMG collection costs $40-$50 I am not spending that type of money on one bottle. However I would spend that money on two or three. THANK YOU for informing us on the release of this new collection. I might just keep it a secret till I get my own so I get the first stab at them. I am probably gonna get the whole set since I LOVE THEM ALL!


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