Special Purely Cosmetics Sale Event!

Hey everyone…

Robyn @ Purely Cosmetics is having a super fun sale event to celebrate her birthday on 8/27! Rather than just have a coupon code or whatever, she’s doing it like a Woot-Off. For those of you who don’t know what a Woot-Off is, here’s her explanation:

Trying to come up with something new and different, I’m stealing from Woot, and having a sale similar to a Woot-Off. I’ll randomly put things on sale – they will all have something to do with 50 (50% off, buy something, get something else free, etc). How long that item will remain on sale will be totally at my whim. Could be 50 minutes, could be a few hours, maybe 50 seconds. Then that sale item is no longer available at the special price, and something else will be.

Sounds fun! :) In order to participate in the sale event, you’ll need to follow @PurelyCosmetics on Twitter and/or become a fan on Facebook. Those are the only two places where the items for sale will be posted!

By the way, multiple shipping charges from purchasing items from multiple specials will be refunded for items that all ship together.
And you need to know…before you ask…yes there will be a special that includes diamond powder. Woo-hoo! (or rather, Woot!)


  1. Robyn @ Purely Cosmetics says
  2. ktb8293 says
  3. Robyn @ Purely Cosmetics says

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