Stila News: They’re Here To Stay!


Pardon me, I’ll be doing a little dance in my cubicle today. Why? Because Stila is here to stay. Stila Cosmetics was aquired by Patriarch Partners, a company based in New York.

Sun Capital has owned Stila since April of ’06 when they purchased the brand from cosmetics conglomorate Estee Lauder. Unfortunately, financial difficulties have made things difficult for the small, but much beloved Stila Cosmetics. Many original Stila fans have griped that they miss “the old Stila” since the sale by Estee Lauder. It’s true that product development has taken some different turns, but I have remained enthusiastic about the brand, as well as the Stila company itself.

It is hoped that with the new ownership by Patriarch Partners, as well as the addition of new CEO Deanna Kangas (appointed in December ’08) that Stila can grow and continue to offer the great products they have been since they first launched in 1994. I hope the brand’s original imagination and spirit will see a re-awakening in the coming years, and that those years are many!

Fellow Stila lovers, what are your favorite Stila products? Mine are:

Convertible Colors
Brow Powder Duo
#5, #7, and #9 brushes
Illuminating Tinted Moisturizer
Illuminating Powder Foundation
Jade Blossom perfume


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