I love fall. In California it doesn’t necessarily mean changing leaves, but it does mean a break from the crazy heat and even some rain! Wee! So when I saw this tag being done by some youtubers I decided to steal it and do it here. Any other bloggers who want to do it please let me know so I can link to you. :D Onward!
100 Things No One Asks Tag
I’m a huge fan of Miss Bunny aka grav3yardgirl on Youtube, so I stole this tag from her. :) If you haven’t seen her videos you should check her out. She’s hilarious. Here’s her video w/ her answers to the tag.
11 Questions Tag
How exciting. Tagging! I was tagged by Brooke @ Blushing Noir. :) I have to tell you 11 things about myself, then answer some questions Brooke asked (11 of them, imagine that!).
7 Deadly Sins of Beauty
This is one of those tag things that was going around on Youtube and I thought it would be fun to do it over here on my blog. I saw it done by amarixe <–go check out her video here.
If you aren’t familiar with the tag, it goes over the seven deadly sins and asks a beauty-related question to go with each one. I thought it was kind of fun.
GREED: What is your most inexpensive beauty item? What is your most expensive?
My most inexpensive beauty product is certainly something from Wet ‘n Wild, I’m sure. I have gotten nail polishes during their 40% off sales that were under $1. Overall I really love WNW polishes! Their Wild Shine Black Creme is my favorite black polish. For my most expensive item, that’s definitely my Clarisonic brush (which I know was over $150 eeep!). Totally. Worth it. I love it so much. It really helps with deep exfoliation and keeping my pores clog-free.
WRATH: What beauty products do you have a love/hate relationship with? What product has been the hardest to get?
I have a love/hate relationship with eyeliner definitely. I love the way it looks, but it’s the thing I have the most difficulty applying and also removing! For a hard to get product, oh gosh. That was Melrose Mood lipstick from the MAC Heatherette collection. It sold out EVERYWHERE it seemed. A really nice gal I know on MUA picked one up at her local counter for me and mailed it all the way from Florida. Funny thing is the color looks awful on almost everyone.
GLUTTONY: What are your most delicious beauty products?
One of them would have to be my body lotion by Kiss My Face. I have it in the Peaches ‘n Cream scent and it makes me smell like a giant juicy peach! It also softens and has AHAs in it for deliciously soft skin. Another qualifier is the bubblegum sugar scrub from LUSH. It’s literally delicious because you can eat it!
SLOTH: What beauty product do you neglect, due to laziness?
Loose pigments. I love them, but I rarely ever take the time to use them because they require a tiny bit more thought and effort than pressed shadows. Also any sort of lip product in a palette. I don’t like having to bother with a brush.
PRIDE: What beauty product gives you the most self confidence?
It used to be concealer when I had issues with breakouts. I hated leaving home without it. But now that I have clear skin, I often leave the house barefaced. However, I really feel better about my overall look when my eyebrows are done. They frame the whole face and since I have dark hair it looks really strange when my eyebrows aren’t filled in.
LUST: What attributes do you find most attractive in the opposite sex?
I like nice eyes, good hair, and muscular arms/shoulders. I also really have a thing for tall guys. I’m only 5’3″, but pretty much every guy I’ve ever dated has been 6′ or taller.
ENVY: What items would you most like to receive as a gift?
Who doesn’t love presents? I’d love getting anything beauty-related as a gift (ok well almost anything). For xmas this past year Mr. Boyfriend got me a bottle of eye makeup remover, which sounds silly and mundane but I love it because a.) it shows he was listening when I said it was the best and b.) it’s something I use all the time and every time I use it, I think of his thoughtfulness.