I promised I’d update you guys on how I do with my test drives on these products, so here are the updates I promised! :)Maybelline Dream Liquid Mousse Foundation
This is nice stuff. Like it says in the name it’s a liquid foundation. I prefer to apply liquid foundations with a sponge, and that’s how I apply this one. I sweep over areas that don’t need much coverage in small circles, blending as I go, and then pat/stipple over areas that need more coverage. One full pump of the foundation is plenty unless my skin is looking particularly blotchy. I haven’t noticed the foundation causing any break outs, although it will clog pores if you forget to take it off (which I’ve been known to do if a product is so light that I forget I’m wearing it…derr). Similar to MUFE HD, it’s chock full o’ silicones– these provide the slip that helps it hide your pores! My only real gripe with this is the packaging, and that’s purely from an aesthetic point of view. I think it’s kinda ugly. lol. But eh, for a good product I am willing to put up with that. I just know I’m going to lose the little cap eventually. Because that’s how I roll. As far as shades go, I wear the lightest one (Porcelain Ivory, I believe they call it?). It looks deceptively dark in the bottle, but blends into my skin quite nicely. Overall, this is a winner. It’s inexpensive (ranging anywhere from $6 and change to $8ish, as far as I know) and easy to find, too. Sold wherever Maybelline is.
Make Up For Ever Full Cover Concealer
MUFE calls this “extreme camouflage cream”, and boy is it. I carefully squeeze a blob out that is about the size of half of a grain of uncooked rice. In other words, TINY. And that’s enough to cover a blemish. I pat it on with a clean finger and blend, pressing it into my skin and warming it up so that it blends naturally. The result is waterproof coverage that lasts all day. I find it too dry for the under eye area, but for any blemishes, scars, or redness it’s primo. Unfortunately this is not at all cheap ($32, as far as I recall…), but in my experience a good concealer is worth its weight in gold and totally worth a splurge. I wear shade 2, which is Porcelain. I get my MUFE stuff from Sephora. I think the only other place you can is MUFE’s boutique in NYC? I could be wrong though.
Sometime when I’m feeling especially brave perhaps I will post before/after photos with these products. For now you’ll have to take my word for it that they cover up imperfections really nicely. As far as setting powder goes, I alternate lately between Stila Illuminating Powder Foundation (shade 10-watts), or MAC Mineralize Skin Finish Natural (shade Light).
Side Note: If Stila does end up going out of business (I REALLLLLY hope they don’t) I will hoard the IPF in 10-watts like a mad woman. It is one of my favorite powders ever. *EVER* lol.