Have you guys ever been on a makeup quest? You just have to find a particular product and just can’t get your paws on it? Did you miss out because it was limited edition? Or does your local _____ store just not carry it?
CVS is really breakin’ my balls right now, as Cartman would say. I have a CVS gift card and I’ve been dying to use it to get some more L’Oreal HiP kohls and/or jelly balms. I love those things. But CVS near me doesn’t carry either one. What the heck? RUDE. It seems everyone but CVS has them. Except maybe Ulta, who doesn’t have the kohls either, though they do have jelly balms. But Ulta’s usually a little slow on the limited edition drugstore stuff. I don’t know why that is. It is this frustration that has lead me to the conclusio/realization that Walgreens is my favorite drugstore. Despite CVS’s nifty extrabuck program (which I admit is pretty cool), Walgreens is just better.
Coming soon:
– Review of something from Pop Beauty that doesn’t suck
– new Carmindy stuff – some crappy cell phone pics