Oh Smashbox, you have outdone yourselves. This Ulta-exclusive (I don’t think Smashbox had it on their site?) palette looks like one of those cheesy Sephora blockbuster palettes. However. It’s Smashbox and much much higher quality. And this thing is just so comprehensive. It has EVERYTHING. Here are some pics:

Here’s the outside of the palette (closed). That’s a MAC lipstick on top, to give you an idea of size. It’s not as huge as it looks, but it’s not tiny either.

Now I’ve opened up the palette so you can see the eyeshadow layer. There are 70 eyeshadows! They’re small, but not so small you feel like you can’t dig a brush in. You can see my fingerprints in the shadows, heehee. I just couldn’t wait before taking pics to dig in.
Here’s a closeup of the left side. Such pretty cool colors.
And here’s the right side, with more warm to neutral colors. Lots of pretty taupe-esque shades.
Once you open up the shadow panels, you have more yummies! There are some mini brushes, lip glosses and lipsticks (bottom right and bottom left on either side of the brushes, and up above the blushes on the right). The middle row is Soft Lights (highlighter), 2 blushes, and Bronze Lights (pale bronzer). There are also cream liners and brow colors at the top. WoW!

As I mentioned before, this palette was exclusive to Ulta and retailed for $59. Not bad for all you get! The texture of all of the powders is sooo buttery and soft. I was not really that into Smashbox but the quality of this palette makes me want to keep a closer eye on future Smashbox releases.
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