I was introduced to Tonic Hair Care by the creator, Lauren Otonicar, when she emailed me after finding out I lost my job. Lauren is as sweet as can be and offered to send me some goodies for my shower to help me get settled in with my move. We exchanged thoughts on having to move in with my parents, and I really appreciated her reaching out to me in a time when smiles were hard to come by.
Lauren is a fellow so-cal babe and unlike me, she loves to enjoy the beach. I know, it’s weird, I live in so-cal and I don’t like the beach. Well ok, I love the beach. I hate the ocean. :\ Err. Yeah. I’m ocean phobic. Don’t get me started. lol. It’s not rational. ANYWAY. Lauren developed Tonic Hair Care with surf Bettys in mind. After all, the sun, salt, and wind is tough on a girl’s hair! We spend a lot of good money to keep our hair looking gorgeous! Finding that there wasn’t a product available to help her with this problem, Tonic Hair Care was born.
Now, while I am not a super hot surfer chick (lol) I DO have dry hair. You know that kinda gross feeling your ends get when you really should just get off your butt and get a hair cut? Yeah. That’s me right now. But a.) I’m so traumatized by the bad haircut I got and having to go to someone else to fix it and whatnot that I don’t want to cut it again and b.) Super Cuts is about all I can afford right now and erm, no offense to Super Cuts, but…no thank you. So I’ve been conditioning the heck outta my hair. But NOTHING would make that gross feeling at the ends go away.
Enter: Luster Tonic.
Luster Tonic is a spray leave-in conditioner. But that’s a really simple explanation for an awesome product. The first thing I noticed is the scent.
Oh, my GOD you guys. You HAVE to smell this!!!!! Tonic describes the scent as “French West Indies meets the Caribbean with a delicious blend of vanilla, banana, and a hint of sparkling orange extract”. However, I immediately smell CUPCAKES. The most amazing, sexy, delicious cupcakes ever. I guess that’s the vanilla, haha. On closer examination I do pick up the banana and orange, but man alive this is heavenly.
The formula is kinda cool, it’s a cream-to-mist spray. I’ve never heard of such a thing but it’s pretty nifty and I like unique products, so that caught my eye when I read the description. The mist comes out so fine you’d never know it was a cream you’re spraying. There are also no parabens, no sulfates, no animal products, and no animal by-products. The product wasn’t tested on animals either. Completely non-toxic. I love that!
Some of the ‘star’ ingredients are aloe vera, grapeseed oil, and wheat protein. The spray can also double as a moisturizing skin refresher! I love multi-tasking products so to me that is really neat.
Anyway, I sprayed this onto my hair when it was damp and combed it through, then blow dried. It was like my dried ends had been completely reborn. In other words, I am hooked.
Tonic Hair Care can be found at surf shops, and also their website. It retails for $14 for 8 oz.
Sounds good. It’s really hard to manage the hair for girls when it is to the sun effect. You can also try some custom hair systems to help your hair health.