I just wanted to take a moment to let you guys know who my favorite makeup YouTube people are!
EnKore Makeup – ok seriously who doesn’t love this guy? Koren is so loveable and his tips and ideas are fantastic. He is so creative!
XSparkage – Leesha does some really awesome bold looks and is never afraid to speak her mind!
PinkieCharm – Irene is a product reviewing goddess. But be careful, she will inspire you to shop!
Panacea81 – Okay no list of favorite YouTubers would be complete without Lauren. She does some great looks.
MakeupGeekTV – Marlena does some really easy to understand tutorials that could help anyone.
Pursebuzz – How cute is this girl? She does great reviews and how-to videos.
MissChievous – Crazy-talented. I love her creating shapes video.
So, who are your favorite YouTube gurus? I’m always looking for interesting beauty channels to subscribe to. Let me in on your subscribed channels! :)